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000C: Zone Actuators

David Bonnes edited this page Jan 21, 2020 · 1 revision

The controller will respond to a RQ / 000C with a list of actuators for that zone:

095 RQ --- HGI:013393 CTL:145038  --:------ 000C 002 0300
045 RP --- CTL:145038 HGI:013393  --:------ 000C 018 03000010DAF903000010DAFB03000012E29A

095 RQ --- HGI:013393 CTL:145038  --:------ 000C 002 0700
045 RP --- CTL:145038 HGI:013393  --:------ 000C 006 070000359E37

Note the payload is an array of entries, each starting a zone_idx (00-0B). This is a payload for zone 3, above:

0300-0010DAF9 0300-0010DAFB 0300-0012E29A

Each 8-digit hexadecimal number is the device_id of an actuator. Actuators include TRVs and BDRs, but not thermostats. Once decoded, the above payload would be:

  "zone_idx": "03", 
  "actuators": ["TRV:056057", "TRV:056059", "TRV:189082"]

An 'empty' zone, devoid of actuators (which may, or may not be a valid zone), will have a payload thus (for zone 8):

095 RQ --- 18:013393 01:145038 --:------ 000C 002 0800
045 RP --- 01:145038 18:013393 --:------ 000C 006 08007FFFFFFF
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