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1FC9: Binding BDR91As & CS92As

David Bonnes edited this page Aug 18, 2021 · 2 revisions

Note: To aid readability, the payload has been edited with spaces and dashes. Also, some non-1FC9 packets are included for context.

Bind a Boiler demand (BDR91A) to an Evohome controller (ATC928G2000)

The initial pkt is: FC|0008, FC|3150, FB|3150, FC/1FC9, followed by 3EF0, 3B00; note the FC.

19:30:44.749 051  I --- 01:054173 --:------ 01:054173 1FC9 024 FC-0008-04D39D FC-3150-04D39D FB-3150-04D39D FC-1FC9-04D39D
19:30:44.757 049  I --- 01:054173 --:------ 01:054173 3B00 002 FCC8
19:30:45.342 053  W --- 13:049798 01:054173 --:------ 1FC9 012 00-3EF0-34C286 00-3B00-34C286
19:30:45.504 049  I --- 01:054173 13:049798 --:------ 1FC9 006 00-FFFF-04D39D
19:30:49.729 064  I --- 01:054173 --:------ 01:054173 0009 003 FC01FF
19:30:49.744 067  I --- 01:054173 --:------ 01:054173 1100 008 FC180400007FFF01

Like any BDR91A, toggling the button from lit to unlit gives:

20:57:29.738 045  I --- 13:081807 --:------ 13:081807 3EF0 003 0000FF

... whilst toggling the button from unlit to lit gives:

20:57:34.053 045  I --- 13:081807 --:------ 13:081807 3EF0 003 00C8FF

Bind a DHW sensor (CS92A) to an Evohome controller (ATC928G2000)

The initial pkt is: 1260, 1FC9, followed by 00|10A0; and then 1260.

20:19:56.291 045  I --- 07:045960 --:------ 07:045960 1FC9 012 00-1260-1CB388 00-1FC9-1CB388
20:19:56.455 047  W --- 01:054173 07:045960 --:------ 1FC9 006 00-10A0-04D39D
20:19:56.467 047  I --- 01:054173 --:------ 01:054173 0008 002 FCC8
20:19:56.478 045  I --- 07:045960 01:054173 --:------ 1FC9 006 00-1260-1CB388
20:19:57.562 045  I --- 01:054173 --:------ 01:054173 0005 004 000D0100
20:19:59.123 045 RQ --- 07:045960 01:054173 --:------ 10A0 006 0013740003E4
20:19:59.139 045 RP --- 01:054173 07:045960 --:------ 10A0 006 0013880003E8
20:20:28.123 045  I --- 07:045960 --:------ 07:045960 1260 003 0008F0

Bind a DHW valve (BDR91A) to an Evohome controller (ATC928G2000)

The initial pkt is: FA|0008, FC|3B00, FA|1FC9, followed by 3EF0; note the FA.

19:47:12.842 068  I --- 01:054173 --:------ 01:054173 1FC9 018 FA-0008-04D39D FC-3B00-04D39D FA-1FC9-04D39D
19:47:13.595 045  W --- 13:081807 01:054173 --:------ 1FC9 006 00-3EF0-353F8F
19:47:13.975 057  I --- 01:054173 13:081807 --:------ 1FC9 006 00-FFFF-04D39D
19:47:53.718 045  I --- 13:081807 --:------ 13:081807 3EF0 003 0000FF

Bind a Heating valve (BDR91A) to an Evohome controller (ATC928G2000)

The initial pkt is: F9|0008, FC|3B00, F9|1FC9, followed by 3EF0; note the F9.

20:45:09.517 045  I --- 01:054173 --:------ 01:054173 1FC9 018 F9-0008-04D39D FC-3B00-04D39D F9-1FC9-04D39D
20:45:10.363 045  W --- 13:106039 01:054173 --:------ 1FC9 006 00-3EF0-359E37
20:45:10.530 045  I --- 01:054173 13:106039 --:------ 1FC9 006 00-FFFF-04D39D
20:45:13.131 045  I --- 01:054173 --:------ 01:054173 3150 002 FC00

Bind a Zone valve relay (BDR91A) to an Evohome controller (ATC928G2000)

The initial pkt is: zz|0008, FC|3B00, zz/1FC9, followed by 3EF0; where zz is the zone number.

20:50:39.263 045  I --- 01:054173 --:------ 01:054173 1FC9 018 02-0008-04D39D FC-3B00-04D39D 02-1FC9-04D39D
20:50:40.685 045  W --- 13:163733 01:054173 --:------ 1FC9 006 00-3EF0-367F95
20:50:40.852 045  I --- 01:054173 13:163733 --:------ 1FC9 006 00-FFFF-04D39D
20:50:44.183 045  I --- 01:054173 --:------ 01:054173 0009 003 0200FF

Bind an Electrical valve relay (BDR91A) to an Evohome controller (ATC928G3000, NB: v3)

This appears to be identical to a Zone valve relay.

The initial pkt is: zz|0008, FC|3B00, zz/1FC9, followed by 3EF0; where zz is the zone number.

21:11:12.734 045  I --- 01:145038 --:------ 01:145038 1FC9 018 07-0008-06368E FC-3B00-06368E 07-1FC9-06368E
21:11:13.269 045  W --- 13:163733 01:145038 --:------ 1FC9 006 00-3EF0-367F95
21:11:13.285 045  I --- 01:145038 13:163733 --:------ 1FC9 006 00-FFFF-06368E
21:11:17.725 045  I --- 01:145038 --:------ 01:145038 0009 003 0700FF
21:11:17.740 045  I --- 01:145038 --:------ 01:145038 1100 008 FC181400007FFF01
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