We used Python==3.9.18, and we recommend using a virtual environment to install the required packages.
pip install -r requirements.txt
: filter data for arxivnotebooks/parsing_cnn_news.ipynb
: filter data for CNN newsnotebooks/parsing_wiki_movies.ipynb
: filter data for wiki movies
We used a subset of the ArXiv dataset from Kaggle which contains 12,926 samples, and the the pickle file is provided at "beyond_vector_search/data/filtered_data.pickle".
make_vectordb.py: a script to build a vector database from a "data/filtered_data.pickle"
- build_graph.py: a script containing helper functions for building the knowledge graph
- parse_arxiv.py: a script containing helper functions for parsing the arxiv dataset
- bipartite_graph_dict.py: A custom implementation of the bipartite graph
- bipartite_graph_networkx.py: An experimental implementation of the bipartite graph using networkx
- embedding_models.py: A custom implementation of the embedding models for generating the text embeddings
- keyword_extractor.py
- query_gen.py: A script for generating the text queries given paper data points
- workload_gen.sh: This is the script for generating the workloads we described in the report
- inference.py: A script for executing our various search query engines on the generated workloads
- compute_metrics_cos.py: A script for computing the accuracy of our results utilizing various performance compute_metrics_cos