Sgt. Nukem 3D is a 'chocolatey' Windows 10 port of Duke Nukem 3D and the BUILD engine.
Aimed specifically to:
'git clone' the repository to a modern Windows 10 PC
double-click the 'Duke Nukem 3D (VS 2017).sln' file to fire up 'Visual Studio 2017'
let Visual Studio handle all the dependencies
press 'F5' and be chewing gum in no time
(...while remaining as faithful as possible to the original source code)
- download the latest release under releases
- unzip the file
- double-click the
in theDUKE3D
It is a fork of the great Chocolate Duke3D, which aims to being the equivalent of Chocolate Doom.
- Windows 10
- Visual Studio 2017 (e.g. Community Edition)
The Duke Nukem 3D (Shareware Episode v1.3) is already included. Don't wait for Christmas!