Code for ICML 2023 paper: Learning to Optimize Differentiable Games.
Many machine learning problems can be abstracted in solving game theory formulations and boil down to optimizing nested objectives, such as generative adversarial networks (GANs) and multi-agent reinforcement learning.
Solving these games requires finding their stable fixed points or Nash equilibrium. However, existing algorithms for solving games suffer from empirical instability, hence demanding heavy ad-hoc tuning in practice.
To tackle these challenges, we resort to the emerging scheme of
We provide checkpoints of the optimizers under the checkpoints
python --eval_game_list stable_game_list_normal.txt --checkpoint checkpoints/two_player.pkl --n_hidden 32 --formula grad,A,S --feat_level o,m0.5,m0.9,m0.99,mt,gt
python --checkpoint checkpoints/four_player.pkl --n_hidden 32 --formula grad,S,A --feat_level o,m0.5,m0.9,m0.99,mt,gt --n_player 4
python -u --n_hidden 32 --game-distribution gaussian --formula grad,S,A --inner-iterations 100 --feat_level o,m0.5,m0.9,m0.99,mt,gt --unroll_length 10 --output-name all_cl_0.1_reg_2_0.95.pkl --eval-game-list stable_game_list_new.txt --init-mode ball --use-slow-optimizer --use-slow-ema --slow-optimizer-freq 5 --epoch 300 --wandb-name all_cl_0.1_reg_2_0.95 --slow-ema 0.95 --slow-optimizer-start 0.1 --cl --reg_2 --data-cl --batch-size 128