32 bits ALU include 16 commands to run/Verilog Code (.v) + Digital Circuit (.circ)
- Clock 1 bit, the clock, feeds into the clock on the register Accumulator
- Input 32-bits, binary integer for input
- Opcode 4-bits, binary code to indicate the operation
- Error 1 bit, true if an error state has occurred
- Value 32-bits, the current output of the register Accumulator
- ACC.D 32-bits, the next value into the register
- ACC.Q 32-bits, the current value from the register
- DFF.D 1-bit, the current value of ALU.Err_out
- DFF.Q 1-bit, the output value of Error
- Multiplexer.S 16-bits, the one-hot control into the multiplexer
- Multiplexer.Out 32-bits, output of the multiplexer into ACC
- Multiplexer.Ch0 32-bits, feedback for the current value of ACC into multiplexer
- Multiplexer.Ch1 32-bits, results of addition into the multiplexer
- Multiplexer.Ch2 32-bits, results of subtraction into the multiplexer
- Multiplexer.Ch3 32-bits, results of multiplication into the multiplexer
- Multiplexer.Ch4 32-bits, results of division into the multiplexer
- Multiplexer.Ch5 32-bits, results of division remainder into the multiplexer
- Multiplexer.Ch6 32-bits, results of AND into the multiplexer
- Multiplexer.Ch7 32-bits, results of OR into the multiplexer
- Multiplexer.Ch8 32-bits, results of XOR into the multiplexer
- Multiplexer.Ch9 32-bits, results of NOT into the multiplexer
- Multiplexer.Ch10 32-bits, results of NAND into the multiplexer
- Multiplexer.Ch11 32-bits, results of NOR into the multiplexer
- Multiplexer.Ch12 32-bits, results of XNOR into the multiplexer
- Multiplexer.Ch13 32-bits, results of 1-bit logical shift left into the multiplexer
- Multiplexer.Ch14 32-bits, results of 1-bit logical shift right into the multiplexer
- Multiplexer.Ch15 32-bits, connect to ground to reset the ACC (GND)
- Adder.A 32-bits, takes in the current value of the 32-bits ACC
- Adder.B 32-bits, takes in the value of the 32-bits input
- Adder.Cout 1-bit, the last carry, used for the Error Check (Overflow)
- Adder.Out 32-bits, the actual sum, feeds into Ch1
- Subtractor.A 32-bits, takes in the current value of the 32-bits ACC
- Subtractor.B 32-bits, takes in the value of the 32-bits input
- Subtractor.Out 32-bits, the actual sub, feeds into Ch2
- Multiplier.A 32-bits, takes in the current value of the 32-bits ACC
- Multiplier.B 32-bits, takes in the value of the 32-bits input
- Multiplier.Out 32-bits, the actual mul, feeds into Ch3
- Divider.A 32-bits, takes in the current value of the 32-bits ACC
- Divider.B 32-bits, takes in the value of the 32-bits input
- Divider.Remainder 32-bits, the actual remainder from divider (dividend - output * divisor)
- Divider.Out 32-bits, the actual div, feeds into Ch4
- Shifter.SHL.A 32-bits, Logic Shift Left, takes in the value of 32-bits Input
- Shifter.SHL.B 5-bits, Distance, how far to shift the 32-bits Input, 1-bit Logic Shift Left
- Shifter.SHL.Out 32-bits, result of shifting left the 32-bits Input by 1-bit
- Shifter.SHR.A 32-bits, Logic Shift Right, takes in the value of 32-bits Input
- Shifter.SHR.B 5-bits, Distance, how far to shift the 32-bits Input, 1-bit Logic Shift Right
- Shifter.SHR.Out 32-bits, result of shifting right the 32-bits Input by 1-bit
- Comparator.A 32-bits, first input to comparison, takes in the value of 32-bits Input
- Comparator.B 32-bits, Error Check, takes in the value of 32-bit constant 0
- Comparator.Out 1-bit, Equal Output, True if the 32-bits Input == 0
- Splitter.Bit0 1-bit, bit 0 from combined end (MUX Selection-bit S0)
- Splitter.Bit1 1-bit, bit 1 from combined end (MUX Selection-bit S1)
- Splitter.Bit2 1-bit, bit 2 from combined end (MUX Selection-bit S2)
- Splitter.Bit3 1-bit, bit 3 from combined end (MUX Selection-bit S3)
- Splitter.Out 4-bits, combined end of splitter (S[3:0] MUX)
- AND 32-bits, one channel is the input, the other the current ACC Q value
- OR 32-bits, one channel is the input, the other the current ACC Q value
- XOR 32-bits, one channel is the input, the other the current ACC Q value
- NOT 32-bits, only channel is the current value of ACC
- NAND 32-bits, one channel is the input, the other the current ACC Q value
- NOR 32-bits, one channel is the input, the other the current ACC Q value
- XNOR 32-bits, one channel is the input, the other the current ACC Q value
- OR_ERR 1-bit, one channel is Adder.Cout (Overflow), the other Comparator.Out ( if(input == 0))
CL (Combinational Logic Components)
- Multiplexer 16-channel, 32-bits multiplexor for result operation
- Adder 32-bits, Full adder
- Subtractor 32-bits, Subtractor
- Multiplier 32-bits, Multiplier
- Divider 32-bits, Divider
- Shifter 32-bits, 1-bit Logic shift-left and shift-right
- Comparator 32-bits, Compare the 32-bit Input with 32-bit constant 0
SL (Sequential Logic Components)
- ACC 32-bits D Register that contains the current system value
- DFF 1-bit D Flip Flop that contains the ERROR value
- Error Check Tests for an error in Addition (Overflow), or Division (Divide-by-Zero)
- Test Bench Main module, runs clock and stimulus. (not shown)
- Breadboard convenient module to allow easy assembly. (not shown)