Alternative to the
Clojure 1.8.0 implementation of generic functions (aka multimethods)
via defmulti
Very roughly 1/10 the cost for method lookup of Clojure 1.8.0, and comparable in performance to using protocols, while being fully dynamic.
Brief benchmark discussion is in benchmarks
A change history, including differences from Clojure 1.8.0, is in changes.
[palisades-lakes/faster-multimethods "0.1.0"]
(require `[palisades.lakes.multimethods.core :as plm])
(plm/defmulti intersects?
"Test for general set intersection."
:hierarchy false)
(plm/defmethod intersects?
(plm/to-signature IntegerInterval java.util.Set)
[^IntegerInterval s0 ^java.util.Set s1]
(.intersects s0 s1))
(require `[palisades.lakes.multimethods.core :as plm])
(plm/defmulti intersects?
"Test for general set intersection."
(fn intersects?-dispatch [s0 s1] [(class s0) (class s1))))
(plm/defmethod intersects?
[IntegerInterval java.util.Set]
[^IntegerInterval s0 ^java.util.Set s1]
(some #(.contains s0 %) s1))
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