This project investigates the use of Mixed Reality (MR) and Digital Twin (DT) technologies to enable remote operations, inspections, and training for maintenance tasks in access-challenged or hazardous environments such as offshore wind farms or nuclear facilities. By integrating a ground robot equipped with sensors, a HoloLens device, and digital twin models, we've conceived a proof-of-concept system that facilitates the visualization and control of the robotic platform. The methodology describes a framework for deploying mixed reality applications at different levels of the Reality-Virtuality (RV) continuum. This is implemented through the fusion of Clearpath’s Jackal robot, HoloLens 2, ROS middleware, and the Unity platform.
For a detailed overview, refer to the dissertation document.
This project outlines the steps to building an application for the HoloLens 2 that is used to interact with the DT in the ROS workspace. This is constructed using the realsense camera and the clearpath jackal.
Jackal_cam_lasers: The ROS workspace for this simulation.
Unity Package: Contains the Unity package with all scenes and the development environment.
Poster: A visual representation of the project.
Dissertation: The main document detailing the research, methodology, and findings.
Unity This section explains the steps in setting up the Unity environment. Before doing this howver the Jackal_cam_lasers must be set up.
git clone --recurse-submodules
To Install Unity we will first install Unity Hub:
We will install Unity 2020.3.2f1, although it is not explicitly mentioned, it can work on Ubuntu 16.04.
Once logged into Unity Hub open Install editor > 2020.3.48f1 LTS.
Create a New Project using the 3D core template unity 2020.3.48f1.
Switch build platform
Use Mixed Reality Feature Tool
Open the MixedRealityFeatureTool.exe and select he folder containing your project.
Install the following:
- Mixed Reality Toolkit Foundations
- Mixed Reality OpenXR Plugin
Go back to the project, It should prompt you to RESTART, this should then open the MRTK setup if not then Mixed Reality > Toolkit > Utilities > configure Project for MRTK
Select Unity OpenXR plugin
Select Show XR Plug-In Management Settings
Ensure that Initialize XR on Startup is selected, and then, under Plugin Providers, click Open XR.
- Select Microsoft feature group in the dropdown that appears
This page provides brief instructions on installing the Unity Robotics packages. Head over to the Pick-and-Place Tutorial for more detailed instructions and steps for building a sample project.
Create or open a Unity project.
Note: If you are adding the URDF-Importer, ensure you are using a 2020.2.0+ version of Unity Editor.
->Package Manager
. -
In the Package Manager window, find and click the
button in the upper lefthand corner of the window. SelectAdd package from git URL...
. -
Enter the git URL for the desired package. Note: you can append a version tag to the end of the git url, like
, to declare a specific package version, or exclude the tag to get the latest from the package'smain
branch.- For the ROS-TCP-Connector, enter
. - For the URDF-Importer, enter
- For the ROS-TCP-Connector, enter
Assets > Import package > Custom package.
In the UnityPackage repository the Jackal_holoLens2 and MRTK profile can be found. This should be improted into your unity project.
To install from a local clone of the repository, see installing a local package in the Unity manual.
Open Scene: Original:
- Set gizmos to 0
- File > Build > Add Open Scenes
- Build
Configure Visual Studio 2022 for HoloLens
- Select the Master or Release configuration, the ARM64 architecture and Remote Machine
- Project > Properties select
- Configuration Properties > Debugging.
- Click the Debugger to launch drop down and then select Remote Machine
- Set the IP to the Ethernet IP in Settings>Update & Security > For developers
Debug > Run without Debugging
Terminal 1: Launch World
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch aws_robomaker_small_warehouse_world view_small_warehouse.launch
Terminal 2: Launch Jackal
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch jackal_gazebo spawn_jackal.launch config:=cam_laser
Terminal 3: launch SLAM
roslaunch jackal_navigation gmapping_demo.launch
Terminal 4: Rviz
rosrun rviz rviz -d ~/Jackal_cam_lasers/rviz/holo.rviz
Terminal 5: ROS TCP connection
Terminal 6: Networking
source ~/Desktop/SymbioticRobots/Jackal_ws/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch ros_tcp_endpoint endpoint.launch tcp_ip:={YOUR IP GOES HERE} tcp_port:=10000
This project was developed as part of a dissertation. Special thanks to my project director, professor David Flynn and project Supervisor, Daniel Mitchel.