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Xenial transition planning 2018 12 03

Erik Moeller edited this page Dec 4, 2018 · 1 revision

SecureDrop: Ubuntu Xenial transition planning, December 3, 2018


  • April 2019: EOL
  • Out of abundance of caution, target beginning of month
  • SecureDrop regular release 0.13 on 2019-03-19

Will have potentially two server versions in prod at the same time -- then after EOL, Trusty may no longer get app updates

May require custom tooling to run upgrade via Admin Workstation

  • securedrop-admin tooling could also cover logging
  • scope of existing tests (which assert that kernel package is correct, etc.) may not be sufficient

Admins will need to enable update, run do-release-upgrade.

  • Problem: big changes from one Ubuntu release to another could leave server in inconsistent state, e.g. initd to systemd transition
  • More research required on whether this is likely to arise in practice

Staggered upgrade w/ on-site assistance

  • How much staff time dedicated -- who will be doing it?
  • On-site will be done:
    • for first set of instances
    • for clients that are default "high touch"
    • for reported customizations by priority client that may need this level of handholding to untangle (balance vs. reinstall)

Upgrade vs. Reinstall

  • "Inconsistent state" issue
  • Main issue is between instances that have security upgrades only vs. all packages upgraded -- Manual upgrades -- Ansible playbook run: changing cert, changing OSSEC key, adding languages -> When package is held back, this may not be visible to us
  • SecureDrops beyond our realistic reach

Do we need a system state snapshot from running instances?

  • list of packages/versions installed (and whether they were manually installed or pulled in as a dependency)
  • OSSEC logs? not as useful due to volume of upgrades Preliminary conclusion: get logs on-demand, but don't request huge batch of logs that we don't have bandwidth to sift through


  • Reorganizing playbooks to support two instead of one

  • Reduce level of custom work (incrementally?)

  • Might make sense to have CI staging job run for both Trusty and Xenial for some time --> This should be easier with GCE

  • apt-test server needs to support xenial channel -- deploy logic needs to respect channel

  • investigate noninteractive do-release-upgrade

  • test Backup on Trusty -> restore on Xenial

  • fix issues identified in:

  • add package/version list to securedrop-admin logs

  • prepare bulk messaging to admins

  • messaging on journalist interface

  • message through securedrop message submission

  • plan out assisted migrations for priority clients

  • compare clean xenial install state vs. trusty->xenial post-upgrade state

Jen/Conor/Erik to map out issues, timeline

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